gms | German Medical Science

8th International Symposium on Age-related Macular Degeneration: Understanding pathogenetic mechanism – towards clinical translation

08. - 09.09.2023, Baden-Baden

Neovascular AMD and Imaging

Meeting Abstract (23amd18)

The BIOMAC-Study: modulation of CNV activity in nAMD and anti-VEGF treatment need through systemic factors

Zeitz O, Flesch L, Knecht V, Frentzel DP, Rau S, Rübsam A, Künzel SE, Wolf S, Dreher F, Schuette M, Lange B, Yaspo ML, Lehrach H, Joussen AM
Meeting Abstract (23amd19)

Long-term choroidal thickness changes after anti-VEGF treatment for neovascular AMD depending on the type of macular neovascularisation (5-year follow-up)

Abdin AD, Hanifa O, Weinstein I, Munteanu C, Seitz B
Meeting Abstract (23amd20)

Short-term results of intravitreal faricimab for refractory nMD

Aljundi W, Munteanu C, Seitz B, Abdin AD
Meeting Abstract (23amd21)

Progression of type 1 macular neovascularization into aneurysmal polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy within the pachychoroid spectrum

Siedlecki J, Klaas JE, Keidel LF, Asani B, Luft N, Priglinger SG, Schworm B
Meeting Abstract (23amd22)

Preliminary clinical and progression analysis of a prospective cohort study of unilateral nAMD

Cinque F, ten Brink S, Shahabi M, de Breuk A, Heesterbeek T, Klaver C, Hoyng C, Lechanteur Y