gms | German Medical Science

68. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie e. V. (GMDS)

17.09. - 21.09.23, Heilbronn

VS21 Medical Biometry II

Meeting Abstract (Abstr. 58)

Explaining the optimistic performance evaluation of newly proposed methods: A cross-design validation experiment

Nießl C, Hoffmann S, Ullmann T, Boulesteix AL
Meeting Abstract (Abstr. 107)

Hierarchical clustering for the evaluation of transitivity assumption in a network of interventions

Spineli L
Meeting Abstract (Abstr. 243)

Evaluation of adverse events in early benefit assessment (Part II): current and possible future strategies for time to event analyses and zero events

Schulz A, Skipka G, Beckmann L
Meeting Abstract (Abstr. 248)

Identifying the risk of sample overlap in meta-analysis of registry-based studies

Zhang Z, Mathes T
Meeting Abstract (Abstr. 303)

Investigating selection strategies for identifying biometrical techniques: a case study on group variable selection methods in R

Buch G, Wild P