gms | German Medical Science

Urban Health Transdisciplinary Forum

Machbarkeitsstudie Urban Health Ruhr

15.02.2023, Bochum

Inter-sectoral municipal public health action plans – wrapping up 10+ years of experiences

Meeting Abstract

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  • corresponding author Thomas Claßen - NRW Centre for Health
  • Odile CL Mekel - NRW Centre for Health
  • Raphael Sieber - NRW Centre for Health

Hochschule für Gesundheit. Urban Health Transdisciplinary Forum. Bochum, 15.-15.02.2023. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House; 2023. Doc23uhtf07

doi: 10.3205/23uhtf07, urn:nbn:de:0183-23uhtf072

Published: August 16, 2023

© 2023 Claßen et al.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. See license information at



An inter-sectoral municipal public health action plan is meant to be an instrument of Public Health authorities within the municipal planning context and is intended to incorporate activities along the public health action cycle, thus from problem analysis and needs assessment to action planning and implementation [1]. It provides a proactive contribution of municipal health authorities e.g. to urban development, and thus a path that is not regularly taken.

Although initial steps in fostering local health authorities to set up Inter-sectoral municipal public health action plans were taken especially by LZG.NRW more than a decade ago, is not yet an established instrument. However, there have recently been a number of new initiatives in German municipalities to put the instrument back on the local agenda in one way or another.

The presentation introduces the idea behind inter-sectoral municipal public health action plans. It displays the instruments’ function in the local planning context and outlines its major objectives and possible stakeholders. Experiences deriving from plans that were already set up or are currently being carried out are shown as well. Thus, a comprehensive overview as well as more detailed insights into the characteristics and results of specific planning processes will be presented.

Following the presentation we would like to discuss requirements for future Inter-sectoral municipal public health action plans. The aim is to gather hints about how further contributions by public health authorities to urban development can look like, especially considering the ongoing effects of multiple major crises on human health (such as climate change, loss of natural resources, pandemics, energy crisis, etc).


Claßen T, Mekel O. Empowering local public health authorities as key drivers of an intersectoral municipal public health action plan: the experience of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. In: WHO Regional Office for Europe, editor. Sustainable development in Wales and other regions in Europe – achieving health and equity for present and future generations. 2017. p. 38-42.